So I've been thinking about it a lot lately and my personal conclusion is that as educators and parents we would do our children a great service if we told them it's okay to fail. "If something appeals to you, try it! Give it your best effort and maybe it'll work out well. Maybe it won't. It's okay to try and fail!" I think in our society our appreciation of childhood (and adult) excellence and success far outweighs our appreciation of real effort. The dangerous outcome of that for some is a sense of defeat before they even try.
Acknowledging that great plans and best efforts might nonetheless fail and that sometimes failure is perfectly okay will remove the fear of the social stigma and embarrassment of failure. These same kids will pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and try again or try something else without a sense of total defeat from the first failure.
Remember, Michael Jordan went home crying when he was cut from his high school basketball team because he wasn't good enough. The rest is history.

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